Deer Management of Tommorrow

Released on = January 2, 2006, 1:28 pm

Press Release Author = Reliable Co

Industry = Accounting

Press Release Summary = Professional land managers are trained on these subjects.
But for do-it-yourselfers, managing your own land effectively doesn\'t mean you need
a Masters in wildlife biology.

Press Release Body = Deer Hunters Beware of Conservation Extremist

There are a few basic concepts that you need to understand and they really aren\'t
that complicated or hard to grasp. This article will deal with one of the concepts.

This concept can be applied to a deer herd as well as to the original concept of
nutrients for plants. Your deer herd also has a limiting factor. Something that is
keeping it from reaching its potential. That potential is defined by you. It could
be deer weight, antler development or simple deer numbers. Whatever your goals
successfully improving your deer herd depends on identifying what your limiting
factor happens to be.

Sounds simple enough but this critical step is often ignored by the lay land manager
and results in needless expenditure of money and effort or inconvenience. It may
help to give some examples of common mistakes that are made so that you can more
easily avoid making them yourself.

One very common mistake is the assumption that genetics in an area are poor and
quality bucks are not a realistic goal. Certainly some areas have better genetics
than others. Antler and body size in general get better or bigger the further North
you go. This often leads people to set their sites low and never address the true
problem. It is amazing how the areas that are most commonly attributed with poor
genetics also coincide with poor soil and/or have very heavy hunting pressure.

By not recognizing the true cause of the small deer in this situation the problem is
never adequately address and a solution is never found. If soil is the problem you
can take steps to improve the quality of the available forage by planting food plots
and maybe reducing the deer herd. With proper lime and fertilizer the soil can be
improved, the lacking nutrients can be supplemented and deer herd can be
significantly improved.

Or if hunting pressure is the limiting factor steps can be taken to correct the
harvest. A more managed and controlled harvest can improve the numbers and age
structure of the herd and make significant strides in producing a better quality
deer herd.

Whatever your limiting factor is, identifing it is the first step toward improving
your hunting success and reaching your hunting goals. Sure you can start changing
parts on that broken car and you might get lucky and change the broken part first.
But knowing what the problem is before you begin to change parts can save you alot
of headache and money. So make an effort to identify just what the limiting factor
is for your deer and then do whatever is feasible to improve it. Your deer will
thank you.

Press Fountain of Ideas

Looking Forward to The Future of Preservation Through Skillful Management

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Contact Details = Greg Vanden Berge

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